Medzhitov - 'What is a disease?'
Dr Ruslan Medzhitov presented 'What is a disease' at the inaugural meeting of the International Society for Evolution, Medicine and Public Health held March 19-21, 2015.
Interesting perspective on the causes of type 2 diabetes and diseases of aging.
15:45 Anna Karenina Principle in Life History Theory - only one way an environment can be perfect and many ways it can be hostile
20:24 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Mortality - investment in maintenance programs is dictated by extrinsic mortality rates
example: insulin signalling pathway - change in glucose allocation to fetus in pregnancy or to immune system in infection
"That built-in property to change the set point of the insulin system also makes it vulnerable to type 2 diabetes and other diseases. ... Not all systems are vulnerable to diseases of homeostatis, only [those] with adjustable homeostatic set points."
33:32 Category 5 - Diseases caused by lack of maintenance -- all age-related diseases - consequence of antagonistic pleiotropy - maintenance mechanisms are not studied as such (e.g., DNA repair) - diseases that are preventable but not naturally curable, e.g., most cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, type 2 diabetes
42:16 Q&A - Is aging a disease?
43:47 the categories are not unique [mutually exclusive?] - same disease can arise due to different causalities
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