Two proteasome videos
Yesterday I watched two introductory videos on the ubiquitin-proteasome system - very important in autoimmunity, aging, cancer and neurodegeneration. Alfred Goldberg, Functions of the proteasome, R&D Systems, recorded February 4, 2016: Index: 9:30 start of presentation 13:20 ubiquitin-proteasome pathway summary slide - ATP required 15:22 antigen presentation - 1% of product peptides are taken up by ER and displayed in cell surface by MHC class I molecules - proteasome allows immune system to screen intracellular space for abnormal proteins (pathogen or cancer) 23:16 multiple ATP dependent steps in proteasome function 38:00 Bortezmib - proteasome inhibitor, inhibits NF-kB, does not cross BBB, induces apoptosis 40:33 Endoplasmic-reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD) pathway is unusually activated in multiple myeloma cells ; proteasome inhibition results in increased ER stress and triggers UPR, further UPR activation triggers apoptosis 42:30 proteas...