
Showing posts with the label immune response

Aquaporins and radiation(?)

In trying to find information on the effect of radiation on aquaporins, a paper came up on a treatment for radiation-induced salivary hypofunction: Baum, Bruce J., Changyu Zheng, Ana P. Cotrim, Linda McCullagh, Corinne M. Goldsmith, Jaime S. Brahim, Jane C. Atkinson, et al. “Aquaporin-1 Gene Transfer to Correct Radiation-Induced Salivary Hypofunction.” Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology , no. 190 (2009): 403–18. .           " Indeed, IR leads to a dramatic loss of the fluid secreting salivary acinar cells, resulting in severe glandular hypofunction (a diminished production of saliva) in most patients ( Vissink et al. 2003 ; Nagler and Baum 2003 ). The reason for this damage remains enigmatic, as salivary acinar cells are well differentiated and very slowly dividing, the opposite of the classical target cell for IR sensitivity [emphasis added] . If patients have sufficient functional acinar tissue p...