
Showing posts with the label Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome

T3 thyroid hormone transporter MCT8, histamine, dopamine & sexual behavior

In response to a post by oksana s on MedCram forum re: research she conducted on DKO mct8/oatp (AHDS) mice - females are reportedly androgenized and aggressive and selectively kill their own female pups. OS also noted an increase in sexual behavior just prior to symptom onset in SOD1 KO mice (ALS model) and reported the same in HD model mice. Your mice reminded me of a news article I had read on sexual development & histamine signalling: I searched and found this, published 2 yrs prior to the above [this site has some malware scripts on it for some reason, though it looks just to be an academic publishing site - I opened it in a container tab so I could read it]: Do you think a histamine modulating drug given during pregnancy would normalize sexual behavior in the resulting pu...