
Showing posts with the label evolution

Medzhitov - 'What is a disease?'

Dr Ruslan Medzhitov presented 'What is a disease' at the inaugural meeting of the International Society for Evolution, Medicine and Public Health held March 19-21, 2015. Interesting perspective on the causes of type 2 diabetes and diseases of aging. 9:13 Robustness, resilience and vulnerability   15:45 Anna Karenina Principle in Life History Theory - only one way an environment can be perfect and many ways it can be hostile   16:00 Homeostasis - Maintenance - Defense 17:58 taking out the garbage is not part of homeostasis, it's a function of maintenance   20:24 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Mortality - investment in maintenance programs is dictated by extrinsic mortality rates   32:00 systems that have adjustable set points are vulnerable to dysregulation example: insulin signalling pathway - change in glucose allocation to fetus in pregnancy or to immune system in infection "That built-in property to change the set point of the insulin system also makes it vulner...

Frataxin & evolution of multicellularity

Loss of frataxin is lethal in multicellular organisms. Why is frataxin necessary for multicellular life? Use of Game-Theoretical Methods in Biochemistry and Biophysics [2008] - "Recently, it has been shown experimentally that stimulation of respiration by frataxin in colon cancer cells reduced growth rate [47]. Thus, cancer can be regarded as a regression to selfish behaviour of cells. Healthy higher organisms possess regulation mechanisms to suppress cancer. However, in early evolution of multicellularity, these mechanisms probably did not yet exist." So that's one reason. Could there be some relationship to osmoregulation? 2020-6-10 Osmoregulation implies maintenance of electrochemical gradients, just as multicellularity implies morphogenesis. Then I remembered Dr Michael Levin's talk on bioelectric fields and morphogenesis: Of course, since comments are turned off I can't make my notes in the YT comment...