
Showing posts with the label sex differences

I learned something about longevity from a cat video

 There are a number of research programs that study interventions for increasing lifespan and healthspan in animals (dogs, mice, flies, nematode worms) with the aim of finding successful interventions that could be translated to humans. The Dog Aging Project enrolls companion dogs in observational and interventional studies on aging; it seems a worthwhile endeavor even if treatments are not applicable to humans as improving the lifespan and healthspan of dogs is worthwhile for its own sake. To date, however, there has not been a similar project for cats - or has there?  I watch a lot of cat videos and came upon one that reported ultra-longevity in a number of cats apparently achieved through diet and lifestyle interventions implemented by their human companion, Jake Perry. It seems strange that I learned about this from a cat video rather than through all the longevity-related media I consume.   An article by Christina Couch published in...

Two proteasome videos

Yesterday I watched two introductory videos on the ubiquitin-proteasome system - very important in autoimmunity, aging, cancer and neurodegeneration. Alfred Goldberg, Functions of the proteasome, R&D Systems,  recorded February 4, 2016:  Index: 9:30 start of presentation 13:20 ubiquitin-proteasome pathway summary slide - ATP required 15:22 antigen presentation - 1% of product peptides are taken up by ER and displayed in cell surface by MHC class I molecules - proteasome allows immune system to screen intracellular space for abnormal proteins (pathogen or cancer) 23:16 multiple ATP dependent steps in proteasome function 38:00 Bortezmib - proteasome inhibitor, inhibits NF-kB, does not cross BBB, induces apoptosis 40:33 Endoplasmic-reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD) pathway is unusually activated in multiple myeloma cells ; proteasome inhibition results in increased ER stress and triggers UPR, further UPR activation triggers apoptosis 42:30 proteas...