Topical All-Trans Retinoic Acid & Mortality / Lead Exposure, Aging, & Bone Loss
A clinical trial [ Veterans Affairs Topical Tretinoin Chemoprevention Trial (VATTC)] of topical all-trans retinoic acid (tretinoin, Retin-A) had to be halted because the intervention arm experienced higher mortality. The authors indicate that a causal relationship is unlikely, but the finding is a bit troubling nonetheless. The increase in mortality was not attributable to any one specific cause of death. "We considered the possibility that topical tretinoin applied to the face and ears might be a cause of death. One study that was published during our trial involved systemic administration of isotretinoin, a closely related compound. That trial found a significant interaction between the medication and smoking in their effect on mortality, with isotretinoin therapy associated with increased mortality among smokers. 4 Studies involving a less closely related compound, beta carotene, have also suggested an...